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i wud continue practicing with the best features of bitcoin software & hardware until u encounter someone who wants to learn, and be ready to dedicate plenty of time toward that one determined individual.
maybe it's futile to onboard normie businesses; let them go under, and then bitcoiners will eventually buy out the infrastructure and start fresh, the right way, and pay employees in bitcoin. someone will eventually have to start the businesses back up.
in short, more pain necessary.
it's just that people have so little appreciation for thermodynamically-sound money. it's so exciting, so fantastic, so incredible and yes the price has been high and yes mentioned in the news...
but to the extent "normies" talk about it there is overwhelmingly 1) denial 2) confusion and 3) some sort of rejection of something 'new'. Its ******* staring them in the face, Lightning is good really good with a decent channel set up and still...
I don't know anyone personally into Bitcoin. No-one really into self-custody, and no-way someone as into as to have an account on Stacker.
It doesn't make any sense.
how cud u find someone away from keyboard to meet with and talk about bitcoin? have you tried the orange pill app or a local meetup? one way u cud spend bitcoin is go out for drinks or lunch with someone who is stacking and still wants to keep dollars, pay them in bitcoin, and they pay in fiat. that at least gets u used to the bitcoin payments on the street.
i tried that once and it was cool. someone bought 10$ from me in bitcoin (i paid for some beer)
but that was once in an extended period of time
i try to do that routinely, but often the other party buys me beer or coffee for free... must be out of respect that i try to limit personal use of fiat rails.
this is why i like SN so much. it's what bitcoin is supposed to be... peer to peer thermodynamically-sound cash. from person to person instantly and with relative privacy
finding that in the normal or 'meat-space' world though is exceedingly difficult