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After the psycopandemic it became very clear to me how I am often sorrounded by enemies that will not esitate to destroy the NAP, even if they don't know about it and just follow the rules of whoever is on the TV telling them what to do. Now it's around 2 years in the past, but at the moment I remember wondering among libertarians how far they would go, maybe send us to non-vaccinated gulags and etc. Maybe it will come back stronger in the coming years? I am optimistic and believe bitcoin, nostr and freedom tech will liberate us. But I struggle a lot having simpahy for normies that only follow the rules "because I want to travel or go to a restaurant"
I don't know what NAP is. Is that weird?
non-agression principle, a libertarian thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-aggression_principle
Is it basically, leave me alone!
Yes, the opposite of it is being a socialist: telling others what you "know" is best for them. It's like playing God, limiting free will on others because those "iluminated" beings know wat's best for everyone. The result of that is this nanny state treating us all like kids.
I don't like the sound of that. I don't like labels but to me there is a natural law. And leaving others to do as they please seems natural. Needing to control others is completely ego informed and delusional in my view.
Yes, even having the freedom to make mistakes is very important
Non Aggression Principle.The concept is simple don’t start fights, mind your business, and let everyone live free unless they punch first.
Btw, I hope I'm not wrong lol
Works for me. I think people and communities can self govern just fine. We don't need overlords.