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I'm looking for what you asked for and I found this which is equally disturbing. I'll keep looking because I want to see it too.
For Hopkins University, lesbians of all times had been enjoying a misunderstanding, a phantom entity, an imaginary product, a “non-thing.” Lesbians liked women and, as the university showed, women do not exist. The cited glossary went further and described a gay man as follows: “A man who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, affectively or relationally attracted to other men or who identifies as a member of the gay community.” So a man can be gay and that condition would be exclusively masculine, denying access to said membership to women due to their nonexistence. What’s more, if there is only the category “non-man” there are no lesbians either, so it would be a mythological glossary and consequently the “L” that begins the endless saga known as “LGTBQ+” frankly would not deserve to top the list.
The shame or fear or disgust that the word woman has been generating is undoubtedly a historical fact. None of the feminist waves had to face this level of contempt. The word, the verb, naming or not naming something, is constitutive of the moral and symbolic scale of a society. "Bad words" are also part of that scale and the word "woman" is today a bad word for academic spaces. The documentary What Is a Woman? by Matt Walsh has shown the discomfort that the word WOMAN produces in these environments. Professionals brimming with university degrees are unable to define what a woman is, not even in her most basic biological conception. And all this happens just a couple of years after the #MeToo movements burst onto the political scene, the massive marches of 8M, the laws that in all countries impose inequality before the law according to sex and a ton of other delusions that are grouped together in what is known as radical feminism. https://gaceta.es/estados-unidos/el-extrano-caso-de-los-no-hombres-o-la-decadencia-universitaria-20230618-0700/
That’s a pretty damning statement about society and our outlook on women. I don’t think this would fly anywhere but academia, law and politics. The general population, by the way, made up of about 50% women won’t swallow it. This seems to me to be another communistic assault on our society.