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0 sats \ 7 replies \ @stack_harder 8 Dec 2024 \ on: Paul Krugman Rides into the Sunset Politics_And_Law
years of writing shit and making people poorer with his most famous moment being when he said the impact of the internet would be nothing more than that of the fax machine.
and yet I'm sure he's rich, living like a king, and now sitting on a fat pension, never acknowledging his mistakes
utterly disgusting
Yes, but he feathered his nest very well, didn’t he? I think being like that would make me sick.
he's feathered one hell of a nest yes. although i expect in his mind, he just sees himself as a genius, Nobel prize winner and he's right all the time, even when he's wrong
Wrong, when was he ever wrong, he was with the mighty NYT? ;(
have you seen my Nobel prize!?
Oooooooo………. It is so shiny and impressive!!! :)
just Paul enjoying retirement