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Despite the fact that the Canadian dollar is in free fall and at a four year low, it is expected that the Bank of Canada will announce another cut of 50 basis points from their benchmark rate this Wednesday.
Current Benchmark rate is 3.75%. A 50 basis point cut would take it down to 3.25%.
With the looming potential tariffs from a Trump administration, such a large cut is an admission from the Bank of Canada that things aren't so rosy in the great white north. The Can dollar shall be the release valve.
Got Bitcoin Canada?
(If you want to read more https://archive.ph/wN4EF)
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Trade in maple syrup fiat for more BtC
Maple syrup way more valuable than Canadian dollars. Haha
I’ll trade u 2000 barrels of syrup for one bitcoin plz
That might be expensive to transport.