I love what they are trying to do with Stratum V2 but as far as i understand it has a similar problem as taproot. There is no strong incentive for individual actors to adopt it but if they did it would be better for the network as a whole
actually there are some really good reasons for miners to adopt it:
  • better security (that is to say any security) between individual miners and their pool operator to prevent people from stealing their shares
  • way less networking overhead between miners and the pool
  • miners can propose block templates!
Here's the Tweet that kicks off a Twitter thread where this was announced:
One giant leap for #bitcoin mining…
The Stratum V2 reference implementation (SRI) is here. This independent, community-run, and fully open-source implementation of the SV2 protocol is available for pilot testing immediately.

Here are some articles on this:
The software used in bitcoin mining getting its first big makeover in a decade #80221 https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/11/bitcoin-mining-software-overhaul-stratum-v2-promoted-by-block-braiins.html
Bitcoin companies join in push to promote Stratum V2 adoption, launch open-source test version https://www.theblock.co/post/175961/bitcoin-companies-join-in-push-to-promote-stratum-v2-adoption-launch-open-source-test-version
Block Subsidiary Spiral, Mining Tech Firm Braiins Spearhead Push for Bitcoin Mining Upgrades https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/10/11/block-subsidiary-spiral-mining-tech-firm-braiins-spearhead-push-for-bitcoin-mining-upgrades [Archive]