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More travel. More time for hobbies that are just beyond the "no time for it all" line at the moment.
Also keep working. But on things I want to, when I want to. Work is health and sanity.
What kind of hobbies are you interested in?
There are hobbies I already make time for. Writing (non fiction), dev, tech and finance related stuff. Things that directly help my life professionally and personally and those around me.
Then there's the hobbies I suck at or have never gave an honest try. Those are the ones that'd get unlocked by financial independence.
Music comes to mind first. Actually a big part of my life but solely as a consumer and wannabe connoisseur. It'd be nice to be more than that and actually produce or play some. It's also a long running tradition in my extended family. All my uncles, grandpa's used to play something, some in marching bands. I'm the black sheep of the family so it'd be one thing to keep some ties and keep a tradition going.
Writing (fiction), harder because English isn't my first language and I need to read and write a lot more to get up to speed.
Adventurous stuff like travels, running the iron man or spartan race, skydiving, etc. My friend really wants to get me into Warhammer. I said I'd give it a shot if he learns about Bitcoin the proper way. Still waiting :P
Sounds like you have plenty of awesome ideas about how to spend your time post "job life". I want so badly to be good at making music. I have been holding onto gear for years. Finally got rid of most of it. I love the idea, but when I sit down to make something I get discouraged quickly and think maybe I should stick to listening to music.
When you first got the gear was it something you wanted to try to live off of or a side gig? or mostly for the fun of it?
Definitely for fun. I'm not very good at any of it. I just fantasize about making music.