If Bitcoin got rollups they would crack down on them, but as long as its only Eth that has it they leave it alone. Because rollups are centralized, at least the ones ETH have, and Optimism for example dont even have fraud proofs enabled, and its the second biggest rollup. Its just a centralized EVM that pretends its not. Arbitrum which is the biggest rollup is hardly better, because it whitelists who gets to check the fraud proofs. So its like you need permission from Arbitrum in order to check if they are cheating. Its really wierd situation.
Rollups also have proven to have problems scaling, for example a month or so ago Arbitrum had to cancel their Oddysee event because fees on the rollup became higher than fees on ETH layer1. And thats not all.
What about Starknet?
Closed source afaik but i dont want perfection to become the enemy of good. Maybe closed source is fine?
It's fine for ZK since it produces a proof of validity, imo.
Could rollups possibly be applied on something like fedimint? Since you already have these pseudo-custodial environments that people will use with LN, could roll ups help it scale an individual mint a little bit further?
you dont need rollups to scale an individual mint. you can scale an individual mint with more and bigger hardware. eventually you might need to shard the mint or something