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Not sure what you are basing this on? Bob Murphy has long been a bitcoiner. He co-wrote a book explaining it in 2017. One reason I like Bob is that he tries to be more fair vs a cheerleader or antagonist. By fair I mean he will often present the opposition of something in a most fair light and then argue against it. He stated in his previous interview with Patterson that he wasn't taking a side on this one. I actually think he is undecided based on both conversations.
I do agree with you that age is a factor though for many people. Also technical knowledge which also can overlap with age. Pretty sure Bob is a gen Xer and Hoppe is a boomer.
I thought Stephan did a great job though. I was glad Bob was interviewing him vs many other options out there. Stephan is technically knowledgeable in both bitcoin and Austrian economics. Great fit for this episode.
Basing on my memory, maybe I got something wrong. I don't remeber Bob's exact positon over the years and more broadly Lew Rockwell, Tom Woods, Hoppe and a few others. Jeffrey Tucker was the first pioneer as I remember.
You do remind me of a moment I had in what I think was 2020 or 2021. I was reading the white paper and a lot about bitcoin's game theory. The genesis block as well was a factor. I started getting more acquainted with the bitcoin community as well. It became really clear to me that Satoshi had to be at least very well read on Austrian economics and that bitcoin was as close to a test case for an Austrian system as we would get. Gold is fine but not for the digital age. Honestly I think the invention of the telegram was the beginning of the end of gold as currency.
Anyway, I started asking myself why aren't more Austrians and libertarians really excited and into bitcoin. I also realized that these bitcoiners are my people. Was a cool realization.
Its all relative of course. I'm aware of Woods and Murphy both talking positively about bitcoin and having it. I agree with you sentiment though. Many in that camp seem to not be as into bitcoin as I would expect them to be. I do agree with you that age is likely a factor.
I remember hearing Tom Woods talk about meeting a bitcoiner, don't recall who it was but they are well know and them helping him feel confident enough to take his stash off Coinbase finally. Tom was pretty sheepish about how long it took him to do it and how surprised he was at how simple and easy it was.
Its easy for us that are technical or have been using bitcoin tools for a long time to forget how foreign this stuff is to normies. And not just old normies. Young ones too.
Pretty sure Hoppe HODL’s. At least, he told Saifedean.
Do you know about Huerta de Soto?
Would not be suprised