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The world is a brutal place sometimes. Men have been at war since men first came to be.
I work on not feeling angry or sad about these conflicts. I feel a lot of compassion for humanity, but negative emotions end up eating away at my peace of mind.
Instead I pray for peace. I practice Metta, or loving-kindness meditations. I chant mantras for world peace and abundance for all people.
My question to you: do you believe these practices spread throughout our world? Am I just offering myself peace of mind or can we all shift the world to be a more positive, peaceful place through prayer?
What do your practices for peace look like? Is there a way we can help each other to amplify our prayers?
I know I will continue praying for peace. Some friends and family seem to believe I am ignoring reality by doing this instead of tracking the news or feeling angry over current events. I feel this is more important, and more beneficial to both me and mankind.
I agree. I believe we create our realities based on where we put our focus. To me, a prayer for peace is focusing on a positive outcome. Focusing on the problems is putting energy into manifesting the future that we do not want. And there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Let us envision and embody the future we want to see, or be the change. I think mantras and prayers we share can span time and space and are powerful for amplifying each others prayers. Thank you for this post. I think these ideas are really important to consider, when we consider where to put our focus.
Yes, the universe feels your wishes. In fact, it is one way to change what is going on. Your vibrations are as important to the universe as the psychopath’s vibrations and are at a much higher level. The more people who do it the more it shifts events.
What do your practices for peace look like?
I try to be a better dad, husband, friend, and self:
I teach my little one this:
  1. don't steal (respect of property rights)
  2. don't hit (non initiation of violence)
  3. don't lie (respect of contacts)
I listen to my wife more.
I invest in my physical and mental health.
Since life emerged competition for resources has been its primary imperative. Its brutal but its fundamental to life in all its forms. Humans manifest this competition via trade and war.
War being the ultimate expression of the competition for resources- territory, food, resources. This is programmed into our DNA.
You can preach pacifism but you only do that from a privileged position of being a first world citizen beneficiary of the brutality and resource hegemony of your culture. If you want to preach pacifism surrender the wealth and cultural advantages and privileges you enjoy...because it was built upon war and resource hegemony.
If no one in a democracy wants war, there will be no war.
It's interesting how little war we've had between democracies. As long as individual freedom, private property, and free choice are promoted, there is very little chance of war.
So I think we should all fight for freedom and libertarian values to stop the warmongers.
Also, the world is getting better and better in terms of war.
How many Libertarians are fans and admirers of war criminal V.Putin? Libertarians ignore the fundamental reality that the most significant factor in the wealth of nations is the ability of any nation to project its power over others. The ultimate expression of this is war.
War is a pure free market function. And free markets are anyway a nonsense as it is the power projection of nation states that is the single most important factor in determining the global distribution of wealth.
The 'democracies' you claim are so peaceful are the primary agents of invasion upon the governments of other nations- the primary culprit in the last 70 years being the USA. How many foreign governments has the USA infiltrated, assassinated, invaded, threatened, bullied, sanctioned or otherwise targeted? 40? 50? All in the interests of US corporate resource hegemony.
How many Libertarians are fans and admirers of war criminal V.Putin?
Wannabe Libertarian
Libertarians ignore the fundamental reality that the most significant factor in the wealth of nations is the ability of any nation to project its power over others.
I strongly advise against this. There may be situations that look like this, but it is not a fundamental condition.
Switzerland, the Netherlands, Singapore, Iceland and countless other examples show this.
Reread Mises, Hayek, Menger and others
Switzerland and Singapore occupy unique and strategic positions as neutral safe havens for capital and trade. They are theexceptions that prove the rule...that nations states power projection is the main driver of the wealth of nations. They profit from the competition between larger nation states around them- Switzerland is the classical example of this- think of them a the fish that clean the sharks...they are still subsidiary and subservient to the warring powers. Think of Chinas global belt and road empire model- it includes a bullet train from China through Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and ends up in Singapore. This of the railways the Japanese commandeered between Singapore and Thailand which they sought to extend up into Myanmar during WW2 in order to cut of supplies from the Allies to the landlocked Chinese government in Chongqing. Singapore, the Netherlands and Iceland are monetarily and militarily subservient tribute states to NATO and the US empire. They all host US military bases. Reread Mises, Hayek, Menger, world history and contemporary reality yourself as you clearly have ignored the real world where the power projection of nations states is the primary driver of the wealth of nations.
China is by no means as wealthy as the West on a per capita basis. Russia is also far behind. Size of military and power projection is not comparable to wealth of nations. Look at North Korea vs. South Korea, or look at nations like Pakistan, Iran, Egypt and so on. Also, since Ukraine's power projection has increased drastically, would you call it a wealthy nation?
You can project power without using force. Power of trust and rule of law with a good constitution has nothing to do with will to bully others or having a big military.
Power projection is not solely military.
The USSR collapsed when it could not compete economically with the West and when it could not monetise the vast resources within its territory due in large part to obstruction of pipelines and trade by the west. the USSRs adventure in Afghanistan was a failed attempt to enable export of vast oil and gas resources in Khazakstan which could have been pumped out and exported via Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran if Afghanistan had been conquered.
Chinas per capital incomes are rising and its economy, in terms of manufactured exports now exceed those of the US- China has already won the trade war both in terms of efficiency of manufacturing and in terms of buying power of commodities. China is on the rise and is building the global strategic trade routes via belt and road in a direct challenge to US hegemony- nowhere is it more obvious that 'free trade' is a nonsense- tariffs and sanctions and ultimately war are always on the table and they are imposed by nation states.
N and S Korea are still technically at war- WW2 never ended for them. They both exist as power projections of the US and China. Egypt is a military junta backed by the US. Without US support it would collapse into sectarian chaos.
Iran now only remains viable as a subservient tribute state to China- exporting its oil to China at a discount rate because China can and does ignore the US sanctions. Iran is a proxy war power projection and economic tribute state to China- its survival is dependent upon Chinas patronage.
Power and trust and the rule of law with a good constitution is explicitly nation state power projection internally and often externally! Look at the US and its claims to be exporting 'democracy' when in reality it has expanding its banana republic tribute states from its own continent to a global reach- a global reach of power projection...one that is unparalleled in history...and saturated with hypocrisy and self serving duplicity.
Study the real world outside of your ideologically simplistic Libertarian 'free market' dogma that ignores how the real world economy and power dynamics actually function.
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