First, you have to explain the problem and provide a high level history of money
Money = a counter balance of human time creating productive things
Money has 2 use cases
  1. Value across space
  2. Value across time
When money does these things it becomes a unit of account
Fiat System Value across space = dollar Value across time = house backed by debt
Gold Value across space = note with counter party risk = reason for fiat Value across time = bearer resource hard to counterfeit
Bitcoin Value across space = Lightning Value across time = bearer property native to a distributed ledger (impossible to counterfeit)
Money is broken which is causing the issues we see today
Bitcoin is a near perfect money in the sense that its as scarce as our most limited resource; time
Money has always been an abstraction of value tied to a resource, and then to a ledger (Value to Gold to a ledger).
Bitcoin is an abstraction of value tied to a ledger without counter party risk...which is the revolutionary breakthrough