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Ah man, I opened this wonderful title and I was hoping for some juicy culture war/econ growth thing...
...and it was about sports! Imagine my disappointment.
DC would call it assmilking
If you want something different, found your own territory and make it yourself!
This is the real answer to whiners. Or, you could ask them if they would like some cheese with their whine.
Yes please!
DC has muted this entire territory
good idea. Guy is on to something
Better idea than using Darthcoin as proxy to call someone who has spent 4.3M sats on this site an assmilker
Calling it a bait and switch would have been hilarious btw.
Let’s not compare notes.
Damn, dude. This escalated into a dick measuring contest reeeal fast
Nah. I like your content. I would never insinuate you are assmilking for sats but your comment pissed me off. I don’t know if you were trying to be funny or insulting. Either way, I have spent over 2 years trying to be a positive contributor to SN and you can criticize my content, my style, my subject matter all you want.
Comment wasn't intended to be funny nor insulting; you're taking this much harsher than needed to
Maybe. I told him to mute me on Nostr but he said he wouldn’t do that because then he couldn’t bust my balls.
I take umbrage with the implication this is assmilking solely because it is a subject you are disinterested in. Weak.
The rest of your comment I was cool with.
Anything could be assmilking if you take that view. Disinterested is disinterested and there is no need for insults about it.
noooeeeh... I only got clickbaited... didn't check the territory before I clicked.
Wtf. I just wasted my time reading this. I thought it was going somewhere but went completely nowhere with you backpedaling. Grayruby, keep up the good work. By the way...you should consider spelling it grey lol
Fun fact. Gray and Ruby are my son and daughter’s middle names. My wife is American and she gave my son his middle name hence the spelling.
I usually spell it grey otherwise. But to be honest as a name I prefer it spelled gray.
I was thinking that was a bit weird, since I know you are from Canada. Usually they spell it grey, right? Nothing wrong with either spelling, just poking fun :)
Yes we spell it grey up here in the great white north. We didn't fight for our liberty from the Brits so we don't get the privilege of rewriting the English language.