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I appreciate the sentiment but Occupy Wallstreet was an idiotic movement of people that know nothing about economics and don't understand how thankfull they should be for capitalism.
Don't want to be associated with these idiots.
If only we had capitalism
I was one of them - maybe Im an idiot.
This article starts good but then loses its way when talking about cry-pto exchanges and all of the sudden replaces the word bitcoin with cry-pto
Agree with you on that. Most shitcoins are worse than fiat.
Free Julian Assange!!!
I was there and yes the Occupy movement was ultimately a failure in that it did not bring any real change to 'the system' but it did raise many peoples awareness and spark many subsequent responses to 'the system'. Bitcoin however certainly has succeeded in addressing the inherent inequities in the status quo financial system and allows all of us who want change to be part of it in much the same spirit that Occupy sought to. I don't say Bitcoin must succeed because it confronts the most powerful wealthy crooks on the planet, but so far it has made huge progress.