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Today I learned what Kratom is
Question is: have you liked it?
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I just learned what it is so I have not tried it.
I am not sure if I would like it. I don't like THC based edibles and drinks but I do like CBD based edibles and drinks. I guess it depends how strong the psychoactive element is. I am not particularly a fan of being high (at least not anymore).
its not related to weed.. Its another class.. Low dosages are stimulant and high doses are sedative..
The "high" is not like weed at all.. THC behaves like a very weak acid (lsd). You dont get to trip like that on kratom..
The stimulant part is like an awake state and the sedative like a dreamy state, but not trippy
It is certainly interesting. I would try it out. I must ask my wife is she is familiar with it and has tried it.
If it wasnt for the hard constipation i would like it more.. I have fun for some hours but then... Not good for me. But this may change from person to person and even maybe from extract to extract..