The idea that nobody should be censored is kinda insane.
Everyone alive chooses who to listen to. And they choose who to avoid.
People should be censored for everyone’s own sanity.
The question is who decides who should be censored. According to fans of decentralized tech, that should be each individual or whoever they choose to delegate that power to.
Not anti-censorship, but censorship choice.
In this specific context I'm referring to bitcoin transactions.
I'm saying the Bitcoin protocol is censored if someone can prevent another person's valid transaction included in the blockchain.
Censorship resistance means trying to ensure that all valid transactions (including the rules around a market for fee-rates) get included in the blockchain, and that valid transactions cannot be excluded because of other external criteria (who owns the UTXO or who it is presumed to be going to).
Not really concerned about other forms of censorship here.