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When I was like 10 or 11 years old, my family and I went to an NA dance. I remember the DJ was called "Terrible Ted". And the song "Seld-Esteem" by The Offspring came on. And I completely lost it. I was so pumped up. It was the first time I remembering doing anything that felt like dancing, although I was really just head banging and jumping around on the dance floor all alone. I remember I thought the song was by Nirvana. It all sounded the same to me back then. I had heard the song on the radio before, but I didn't know who it was yet. Lol. It was my first favorite song that I felt like I choose for myself. It was a strong feeling of independence. And The Offspring ended up being my first favorite band for quite some time. They were also my first concert, another great memory. Excellent question.
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Thanks. That's how music is! I've some very similar memory to yours. There was a song on which whenever I listened I suddenly start makin moves. It was fun and so cool that I want to be back in childhood to do that all again.
We used to listen to a lot of "safe" music in the house as kids. Parents would moderate heavily to make sure we didn't listen to anything too crazy. Not a lot of rock.
The spiciest rock was The Beatles, to paint you a picture.
The Offspring was the first band I got hooked on in the genre and a major part in adding rock to my musical palate. Went into the 70-80s rock rabbithole, and then of course punk rock, and nu metal (linkin park and company).
The song for me was Staring at the Sun. Encountered because of a Final Fantasy AMV probably downloaded off Kazaa or Morpheus.