Isaiah 53:10 "Nevertheless it was the Lord's will to crush him. He afflicted him. When his soul is offered as a guilt offering, then he will see his seed, he will live long, and in his hand the will of the Lord will be fulfilled".
Definition of God's will. In general, the Bible refers to God's will in three different ways. (1) Will is variously called the will of God in some parts. For example, David included "your law" in Psalm 40:8. The apostle Paul thinks that knowing God's law and knowing God's will mean the same thing (Rom. 2:17-18). That is, God in his law. Teaching that we should walk according to his will i.e. his law will be the will of God. The basic meaning of law is teaching and it includes all the word of God.
(2) God's will is further used to mean that which God manifestly desires. To speak of it properly is to say the pure will of God. As God's revealed will is that all should be saved (1 Tim. 240 2 Peter 3:9) and that no saved believer should fall from grace (note on John 6:39). This fact does not mean that all will be saved, but that God only desires that all be saved.
(3) Finally by God's will may be meant anything that God allows or causes to happen, although it is not specifically His will to cause things to happen. Its proper name might be God's permissive will. It is true that much of what is happening in the world is contrary to God's pure will (ie sin, lust, violence, hatred and hardness of heart). Yet he allows evil to continue temporarily. As many people decide that they will be eternally lost from being unsavedThis is by God's approval (1 Peter 3:17; 4:19). But these are not necessarily his will or his ultimate will for that man (see the note on 1John 5:19
Responding to Kher's wishes. The Bible's teaching about God's will is not just a doctrine. It affects Pramad's daily life as a believer. (1) First, we must learn what God's will is, that is, His pure will (including His law) as revealed in the Scriptures. The age we live in is evil. We must understand what the Lord's will is (Hawkii 5:17).
(2) If we know from His revealed will how He would have our lives as believers, we must pledge on earth that we will do His will. As the psalmist asks God to teach him "to do thy will" (Ps. 143:10). A similar prayer that "lead me, O God, into the land of righteousness" implies that he is essentially asking God for a godly life. For the ability to live. Likewise, Gaul expects the Thessalonian Christians to abstain from illicit sexual practices and live chaste and honorable lives. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4) In another place he prays that Christians may be filled with knowledge according to God's will, that they may "walk in all things pleasing unto the Lord, fruitful in all good works" (Col 1:9-10). ).
(3) Believers are called to pray, that God's will may be done (Matthew 6:10: 26:42: Acts 11:2: Romans 15:30-32; James 4:13-15); We must simply desire God's pure will and desire it to be fulfilled in our lives and in the lives of all our families (Matthew 6:10). It is our prayer and promise that we can be sure that our present and future are under the loving care of our heavenly Father (Acts 18:21; 1 Cor. 4:19; 16:7). But if our lives consist of willful sin and rebellion against the Word of God, we must realize that God will not answer our prayers.
Unless we strive to do His will in our own lives, we cannot expect God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
(4) Finally God is calling us to fight against sin, evil, spiritual laxity. We cannot be indifferent or irresponsible to this work for the sake of God's will. It is not God, but Satan who is responsible for all the cruelty, evil, and injustice of the present age (see note on 1 John 5:19), and it is Satan who causes most of the pain and suffering in the world (Job 1:6-12: 2:1-6; Luke 13:16: 2 Cor 12:7). Just as Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8), so it is God's clear will that we as believers declare war through the Holy Spirit against the spiritual forces of evil (Eph 6:10-20; 1 Tim 5:8).