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I took the green pill (a made up term by me meaning understanding the fiat problem) long before my wife and I met (and bitcoin) by reading Mises and Rothbard. Until recently, I took the green pill for granted as a path to taking the orange pill, and I hadn't provided the problem Bitcoin solves to her - who is based but money ambivalent.
I posted last week asking for the best docs on the FED hoping to find something we could watch. Then we caught covid and sick-binge-watched @DarthCoin's recommendation: The Hidden Secrets of Money. She's now seemingly a goldbug lol, "I'm converting my 401k to gold jewelry!"
We've since watched more documentaries at her request:
  1. The Power of the Fed
  2. Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve
She also wants to watch a doc on Rome's monetary history, but we've struggled to find one, and a doc on monetary changes around Nixon's term.
Next stop, orange pill.
Any stackers have more video documentary suggestions:
  1. on monetary history (her background is international relations focused on latam)
  2. or to help with the green to orange pill transition?
You can search for information on what happened in my country, Argentina, in 2001. People's savings taken by banks, 5 presidents in 10 days, supermarkets looted, 39 deaths shot by the government, almost twenty pseudo-coins, amounts maximum weekly withdrawals for your savings and salaries to protect banks that were not enough to cover needs and finally liquefying savings in dollars to less than 40% of what you had deposited. If that doesn't make you think about bitcoin, nothing will.
Yeah, it's crazy to think that in just ten years one Argentinean peso went from $1 to 1c.
Coming to a local currency near you.
'It's math people, don't overthink it.'
Can't get Foss out of my head
Thanks for the recommendation. We watched this one last night: Argentina's Economic Collapse (Memoria Del Saqueo 2004)
It focused a lot of politics and corruption, but she really liked it!
This is an interesting one; The secret of Oz (You'll never watch The Wizard of Oz in the same way again)
damn just watched that. I am sometimes humbled by how little I know about the world.
I like this video from Andreas Ant, All [fiat] Ships Are Sinking:
Not sure if my wife was seriously watching it but I think she totally got it. I could tell by the fact that she almost couldn't sleep that night 😅
Edit: congratz on green pilling the wife! I like the term, lending it from you.
170 sats \ 1 reply \ @oli 13 Oct 2022
Which Mises/Rothbard books do you recommend?
I'd start with these:
Lol. I never hear the term 'green pulling' someone. I hope your wife didn't get sick :)
*green pill -sorry about that.
This is not BTC related but the tag line of this documentary, "He was the internet’s own boy… and the old world killed him.”, encapsulates how new technology can be received by the status quo.
And what one can expect the push back to be.
Great documentary. Everyone should watch it.
In order to talk about the present and the future Dalio goes thousands of years in the past to study their societies (mostly focusing on financial, economic, and political events).