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I’ve always thought of the soul as the core of who we are the part that holds our emotions, experiences and everything that makes us us. The spirit though, feels more like the energy that drives us, the thing that connects us to something bigger, whether it’s the universe, others, or a higher purpose. Maybe the soul is what we carry within and the spirit is how we reach out beyond ourselves. What do you think?
I think about a soul as a more specific thing relating to one individuals life path. To me spirit, is more universal, like we can connect to the spirit or spirits. I feel like spirit is something we experience while incarnated as a human. And soul connection is something that happens in a higher dimension or something. Not sure I that makes any sense. It's just what came to mind. Thanks for the interesting question.
That actually makes a lot of sense! I like the way you’ve separated soul and spirit one personal and other universal. Interesting perspective especially the idea of soul connection beyond this dimension. Thanks
This is a great question. I tend to think of the soul as something we hold within us that contains our essence and reflects our history. I believe the soul can sustain damage and we can even lose part of this essence through pain and trauma.
On the other hand, spirit feels like a direct connection to the universal energy. It animates our being and gives us life and spirit runs the same through all beings.
Beautifully answered! Thank you
I've got a great YouTube channel for you, unless you've already found it
Here's a video about souls
I thought it was pretty cool
Thank you so much! This YT channel is covering a lot of things I'm looking for. Also, I'm looking for similar channels do you have any recommendations?
On the subject of souls this is the only one I've found, but lately I've been deepdiving into Jung's theory of the shadow
And there's literally thousands of channels covering this, which I think, led me to that channel
Once you start questioning, the rabbit holes appear
Enjoy this wonderful life