Why? I don't follow celebrities
He has some mental problems and has been spiraling down ever since he stopped taking medicine when his mother died.
He made some insane statements, his sentences have been getting more and more incoherent and gramatically incorrect
On one hand it's very entertaining 😂😂 on the other hand it's disgusting how the public is looking at him like an animal in a zoo instead of helping him 😑
He needs a psychiatist, not consequences from JPM 😑😑
Seems like a bad business decision on JPM's part. Was there public pressure on JPM to refuse services to Kanye, or something like that?
JPM has also managed funds for far more unsavory characters, such as Epstein.
Political censorship, financial deplatforming
Their loss. This might be good for Bitcoin. I know he's been showing a lot of interest in the space. Perhaps he might start looking at offloading a portion of his wealth into Bitcoin, hopefully not shitcoins.
Chase takes my money, when I'm in need! Yeah, Jamie's a trifling friend indeed!