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Cleaned the logo and generated the vector file, may need some retouch!
Font used: Custom Cortese Under commercial license https://markvanleeuwen.gumroad.com/l/cortese?layout=profile
in case need the SVG:
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Oh! Clean indeed! It has a touch of pink now doesn't it? I like the lightly dimmed look of the original, though, could you replicate the yellow-ish background and shading?
Also, could you change the needle and thread a bit around?
Pink? it supposed to be on white bg 🤔 It's just a try to create a simplified version with flat colors, so it will be easier to print or embroider it in the final products.
Yes the yellow-ish background is replicable
...needle and thread a bit around How? I mean if you provide more details I'll play around... or share any reference
It's just a try to create a simplified version with flat colors, so it will be easier to print or embroider it in the final products.
Fair point.
I'd like the needle to be placed a bit more fluently, like it comes "flying in" on an angle, with thread attached to said needle and maybe going / looping behind the mountains and back...
Like this but in good:
That's a bit more complex. I'll try something out
And not has humongously big, it's a needle ffs 😆