A few months ago I've started building noteblitz to dip my toes into the LN driven web you can see it in action here. Due to my inexperience designing platforms i made some dumb decisions regarding UI/UX and especially the content editor at the beginning so i'll probably scrap it soon. However building it gave me some nice experience and im working on a nice ln-app starter/template with a simplified approach to auth and transactions.
If you want to start coding, and given you like using JS/TS stacks, its always good to check out the dependency graph of alex bosworths ln-service where you will find my website and of course stacker.news itself.
In short, most ln-apps, business logic wise, will revolve around three flows:
-ln-url-auth -invoices -withdrawals
As a developer you just have keep the in- and out flows to your black box consistent and what users can do within your app (e.g internal transactions, incentives, ...) is only limited by your creativity.
You have no fucking idea how much :corn: we are are going to make if we get this right, the sky is the limit!