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I like it. Seems like you are feeling called to connect with spirit and recognize new parts of your journey maybe?
It may be both. Yes, I've been seeker of inner self from the beginning. For me everyday is a new journey. Spirituality isn't something very easily achieved like the worldly joys.
I agree. For me, it has been the most challenging thing I have ever done. It requires bravery and intense amount of willingness. I had to hit a rock bottom to seek it. And I am not talking religion. That's easy. Knowing thyself isn't. And for most of my life, I had no faith whatsoever. Now I feel the best I ever have, living my best life. But it hasn't been easy.
Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.
To know yourself, you have to be able to see yourself objectively. The “you” that knows yourself cannot be the same as the “self” that you know. If you can’t do this, you’re doomed to always just doing and feeling the stuff that you always did and felt. You can’t do anything about it if you’re always in it.
I kind of struggle with bitcoiners because they tend to think they know it all. It's my roll here to remind them that there is work to be done past knowing about the importance of Bitcoin. It's a tough job. Not many want to hear the lessons I am here to give. 🫂
I don't think anyone would understand even if you roar. They are all in the celebration mode.
The problem I see is Bitcoin isn't something that is open and available for all. There are still 90% or more people of all who can't understand it nit because they can't but it's still tough to apply.
It's a human behaviour that easier things are accepted very fast while harder things aren't.
We, I believe we are also Bitcoiners, have to look for answers why would everyone be using Bitcoin with so much technical knowledge required even to safekeeping it.
As money Bitcoin is definitely superior to me but as technology India's UPI system is much much better.