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This chart ranks the companies which have received the most American taxpayer support (in the form of government subsidies) since the year 2000.
Government subsidies take a variety of forms: tax credits, abatements, training reimbursements and direct grants.
Data is sourced from D.C.-based non-profit Good Jobs First’s subsidy tracking database, accessed November 2024.
why wasn't your zap p2p? cc/@ek @k00b
I was having problems with coinos attached wallet payments failing last night so I deposited some sats on SN and increased my desired balance. I am guessing that's why.
I really like coinos. Very easy to use but they seem to have a lot of liquidity issues so I think I will have to switch to Alby hub prior to the non custodial change over. It's a real pain when payments start failing. Not so bad now but I don't want to be having to add cowboy credits all the time because my sats zaps fail.
ah ok! that makes sense. Only zaps bigger than your balance are p2p.
I am down to 5 sats on SN balance now so yes I guess that was my last remaining sats on SN before it started pulling from attached.
I'm trying coinos for the first time today (LN address + NWC) and it failed twice, one just failed for you :) and another zap took about a minute to take effect. Otherwise I'm enjoying it!
Boeing gets the most and they still making airplanes that crash