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lol you used the word in the first place and I'm moving goal posts?
LNhance isn't even an L2 it's just a set of op codes, good lord you really have no clue do you?
maybe start by actually reading something, start by going to lnhance.org
but you won't because you're clueless
check out my shitcoins whitepaper bro seriously bro just read it bro totally not a scam bro
There's no whitepaper it's just a set of op codes, do you even hear yourself? I guess you probably think segwit and taproot were altcoins too before being activated on mainnet? SMH, it doesn't get more clueless than this.
they are used to make centrally coordinated systems with new token "VTXO" having worse security than real bitcoin
Yes actually, and if I had the resources to maintain a non-taproot fork of LND i'd not use it at all
Are you actually keeping your cold storage in a taproot output? lol
they are used to make centrally coordinated systems with new token "VTXO"
Completely false. There are no tokens.
taproot is an altcoin
Are you serious right now?
Are you actually keeping your cold storage in a taproot output?
Are you serious right now?
Are you?
taproot is an altcoin
I'm asking if you're serious about this, where I keep my coins has nothing to do with this conversation, or do you still think LNhance has a token and a whitepaper?