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vtxos are tokens
lol no vtxos are not tokens, read the docs
lnhance is a scam
lolol because I guess all op codes are scams now smh
LNHance is how the scam get legitimized
Read better.
read better
oh the irony
LNhance is how the scam get legitimized
lol do you even hear yourself? wtf is a legitimate scam?
Not my fault you're sub 80 IQ without a chain of thought to work from
To scam someone you need to make the scam look legit, having a new op_code to cite is how you convince morons such as yourself that believe in retarded crap like offline bitcoin to lose their Bitcoin in some fake L2
It's not my fault you speak in oxymoron's. The only "new" op codes in LNhance are IK and PC, both CTV and CSFS have been around for half a decade so nothing you said makes sense.
Can't discuss the merit of those op_codes without first disavowing the scammers that will exploit them... let me know when you've done that.
please tell me how you can "exploit" any of the op codes in LNhance, I'll wait