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The purpose of this particular psyop/scam is to prop up FUD narratives around Lightning to gain support for their fake L2 shitcoinery.
This is 100% false, there is no white paper, there is no token, there is no protocol, there is no L2, it's just a set of op codes, when will you learn this?
APO wouldn't appease scammers
I have no idea what this means, maybe provide some context? Literally every LN dev I've spoken to very much wants ln-symmetry so it's going to happen somehow either with APO, LNhance, or some other combo of op codes.
On a side note you seemed to be obsessed with altcoins.
Also what's hilarious is on the link you sent it was mostly only my replies and not yours that people were sending sats to, I wonder why that is?
You're too stupid for words, enjoy your vTXOs loser
I don't know what's funnier, the fact that you just zapped yourself to have more zaps for that screenshot, or the fact that out of my entire reply, that's the only thing you read LOL completely clueless
Nope, apparently you can't read numbers or threads either
I literally quoted your insult of a thread with zero technical argument and showed how it makes no sense but ok
You're clearly confused mr offline presigned tx
Get help
You can absolutely presign a tx offline before then broadcasting it later online, this is basic 101 stuff, and you're the one confused if you think LNhance is a layer 2 or an altcoin.
Read more.