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I've long been irked by this tendency in English speakers and so deliberately use my own accent when abroad ( not that i often need to use my tourist Spanish or German), and have not had any problems with foreign people, but once, some way back, was bizarrely mocked by another English speaker for my pronunciation - who then went on to try to school me by putting on a comedically thick fake Spanish accent to repeat what i had just said.
"Ever notice how English people tend to adopt a fake accent when speaking foreign languages ?" Yes, they are trying to speak the foreign language with a different accent... as we should.
If i spoke spanish with an english accent or french with an english accent, no one would understand me. Really not sure what you're getting at as this seems obvious...
How much time do you do on active language study these days Joe and are you working on multiple langs at once or focusing on, say, Spanish at the mo?
How much time do you do on active language study these days Joe and are you working on multiple langs at once or focusing on, say, Spanish at the mo?
I am trying to improve my Portuguese which sucks. My spanish is stagnating. My French is always best. Then i try random new languages coz i get a kick out of it!
Every foreign person i interact with, including my Paraguayan next door neighbour, speak English to me with their own accent - it's perfectly natural to do so, whoever is doing it - i have no trouble understanding any of them, and see no reason why 'they should' do anything else - how is this not obvious ?