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There have been 10 US Federal Government Shutdowns in History. They have ranged from one agency being closed to the whole government and have ranged from roughly 4 hours to 35 days.
A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance".
All Clown Fish are born male and can turn into females later in life.
Television ratings indicate a global decline in TV remote control battles on Fridays. The theory is that people are more inclined to go out, engage in social activities, or are more lenient with their TV choices, embracing a more relaxed mindset.
Human Zoo
The human Zoo definitely existed mainly in Europe and America both Asians, indigenous people of America and Africans were being displayed.
Human zoos, also known as ethnological expositions, were public displays of people, usually in a so-called "natural" or "primitive" state. They were most prominent during the 19th and 20th centuries. These displays sometimes emphasized the supposed inferiority of the exhibits' culture, and implied the superiority of "Western society", through tropes that purported marginalized groups as "savage".
Some people (especially children) can regrow their fingertips if they are cut off. This is really weird. It only happens if the finger is cut above the base of the nail. Scientists think there’s a type of cell at the base of our nails that helps it regrow. We’re unsure why sometimes fingertips regrow and sometimes they don’t. Age appears to be a big factor, as well as how much of the fingertip was cut off.
If money grew on trees then it would still be more difficult to produce than the US dollar, which is printed by the trillion at the touch of a button.
Every base is base 10
Quick fact: I needed these 7k for an additional LN to timechain transfer to subsequently consolidate my UTXOs 🤠