Ideologies were invented so non-thinkers could have opinions. I see it everywhere these days - people confidently spouting views they've never really questioned, just because their chosen ideology handed them a pre-packaged set of beliefs.
It's like having a mental fast-food menu. Why bother analyzing complex issues when you can just check what your ideology says about it? Left or right, conservative or liberal - just pick your team and you get all your opinions served on a silver platter. No critical thinking required.
Take Bitcoin for example. It's almost comical watching people at parties passionately argue about cryptocurrency when they clearly don't understand blockchain basics. They're just regurgitating buzzwords they heard on social media or from some influencer - "decentralization," "hedge against inflation," "the future of money" - without having a clue how any of it actually works. Their conviction isn't built on understanding; it's borrowed from whatever crypto guru they follow.
Maybe it's time we all stopped outsourcing our thinking to ideologies and started forming opinions the hard way - by actually thinking for ourselves.