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By people online he means Reddit
So very true. r/economics (and well all of reddit) was started by Libertarians and was very Ron Paul focused.
Then the marxist hit and /r/economics was culturally cleansed over about a 3 month period. Literally all the original mods were removed and keynesians added in. The "long march thru the institutions..."
Reddit generally speaking (even today) is very anti-Bitcoin. It is generally referred to a ponzi scheme, and big scam (LOL).
And no I'm not just talking about r/buttcoin
Well HN (hackernews), the prototype and founder of reddit, is also very anti-bitcoin. Its very amusing to me to see all those "technology lovers" have missed the biggest technology development in finance in a few centuries.
In general, Silicon Valley "startup culture" is a giant fiat / gov stooge endeavor. The only things that get funded are projects that promise an ever increasing way to siphon user data into the panopticon
I feel like crypto and crypto-scams get 'lumped in' with legitimate Bitcoin education and use... and that's a reason for a lot of the confusion.
Yes there are a lot of anti-Bitcoin tech people. Having said that people who have been de-banked or faced personal adversity and/or repression understand Bitcoin much faster.
As far as user data... I'm amazed that worldcoin is a thing
I'm amazed that worldcoin is a thing
Yes, well quite tellingly Sam Altman was director of YCombinator for 4 or 5 years.....they have no problem funding shitcoin/nft scams....they just dislike bitcoin.
When did the Marxists purge and takeover? 2012? 2016?
I would say earlier. subreddits were introduced in 2006 I think....and /r/economics was created in 2008. For the first year or so it was ok and then I would guess by 2009 or 2010 there was a big purge of the existing mods.
Suspiciously it times up with election of Obama. Worth noting that in 2007, the run up to the election, reddit was still at least 40-50% supportive of Ron Paul. Post election that changed dramatically.
All the big subreddits are completely controlled now. Even things like /r/linux are controlled. My last post on reddit was in 2020 during the pandemic, r/linux mods put up a sticky on top of page telling everyone to get vaccinated. I simply commented in that thread that said "this sticky on the homepage is off-topic and I think /r/linux should stay out of the vaccine debate". A mod banned me for saying that so I have never logged back in to my account (nor probably never will).
suspicious timing with the election of Barry
can't be a coincidence
one of my favorite X accounts is Reddit_Lies
For years, many have speculated that Democrat political candidates may be filling social media with fake posts to deceive the public and make their campaigns and causes seem more popular than they are. These claims have often been dismissed, citing that Democrat voters are already more likely to be on the internet compared to their not-as-tech-savvy Republican counterparts. This would suggest that the constant flood of left-leaning content on websites such as Reddit was merely a reflection of the userbase. However, many people simply couldn’t shake the feeling that something was just off, especially in the run up to major elections. Despite my fervent belief that something was amiss, I never had any direct proof that Democrats were actively manipulating social media.
That all changed two weeks ago, when X user @jessiprincey replied to one of my posts with a screenshot from a Discord server, seemingly related to the Harris-Walz campaign:
I immediately messaged Jess, and soon received a link to the Discord server where this operation was taking place. What I’d find there went far beyond algorithmic manipulation. I discovered massive “astroturfing” campaigns operating across multiple platforms. “Astroturfing” is a political and marketing term that describes creating swarms of coordinated and/or paid messages and posts to deceptively create the illusion of support from ordinary people. Essentially, “astroturfing” is the opposite of grassroots support.