Bitcoin adoption through government is the same as asking them to return to the gold standard; It ain't gonna happen.
Can you get a morbidly obese person to switch from eating seed oils and carbs, and reduce their caloric intake? Maybe you'll find one who will do it, but the rest won't.
Is Hunter going to stop doing blow off the ass of a hooker as long as he can take in billions in a year? Not a chance.
Let's not worry ourselves with how were going to "house the homeless" and "disarm nuclear powers", their choices were made long ago.
The task we have in front of us is to build parallel agorist systems around bitcoin, and show everyone how cool and fun it is to have a real store of value. One that can be used to pay for real things anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye and without every glowie AI corporate spook watching our every move.