Ok, I think it's a bit much to list one or two, but off the top of my head, I would say some of the best gaming tracks, by franchise, would be
sonic (the old-school ones)
streets of Rage (although i thought 3's music was a bit shit)
Donkey Kong Country series
Street Fighter 2, almost all the themes were incredible, apart from Dhalsim's
Zelda, almost all games, although i probably have most nostalgia for OOt
mega man - some real bangers
TMNT shredder's revenge, incredible soundtrack, especially 'screw loose'
and finally, one of the tracks that hit super fucking hard was 'that's the way it is' at the end of Arthur's part of rd2, holy shit did that one get me. It was It was such an emotional journey and then getting blasted with that tear-jerker!
what are some favourites among stackers?