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Stefan Molyneux is a popular libertarian broadcaster who has in recent years acquired a considerable following. In Universally Preferable Behavior, he takes on an ambitious task. He endeavors to provide a rational basis for morality. Should he succeed, he would not only have achieved something of monumental importance; he would also have rendered a great service to libertarianism. Molyneux’s system of morality has resolutely libertarian implications. If he is right, surely a time for rejoicing is at hand.
It would be cruel to arouse false expectations, so I had better say at once that Molyneux does not succeed in his noble goal. He fails, and fails miserably. His arguments are often preposterously bad.
Molyneux was very popular starting about the same time as the Ron Paul R3volution started up and continued for quite a few years. He later got himself canceled through the auspices of the cancel culture left, which did not like him at all. At that time he had just had a kid and he couldn’t let himself be cancelled, so he caved and started talking only about non-violent parentage. Once he got off on that track, I lost interest in following him.
...and nobody ever heard from him again.
I think he is still out there, somewhere. But he lost his popularity once he was cancelled and switched tracks out of political stuff. I think it was a loss, but he did it to keep his family going. Perhaps that is a more important goal.