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I forgot, if I ever knew, that the cringe potential I carry around is the result of agency pursuits.
Meaning: the things you do that are most cringeworthy are the flipside of you being high-agency, and taking decisive action in a way that produces something bad?
The risk of diminishing myself is a big part of what I enjoy about being kind.
Man, you have become more koan-like in my absence. What does this mean? How can kindness diminish? Normally I make an attempt at guessing but you got me here.
Santa delivered this year. :)
For both of us, brother. Nice to 'see' you again :)
this territory is moderated
Meaning: the things you do that are most cringeworthy are the flipside of you being high-agency, and taking decisive action in a way that produces something bad?
decode successful
How can kindness diminish?
Kindness requires sacrifice and it isn't always paid back. The author calling great kindness and great cruelty impulsive made me wonder why they're impulsive. I assume it's because both are risky.
New word. Like it.