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The only change is the slave collar you wear is slightly smaller and lighter. However, the slave collar is still firmly attached to you and locked around your neck.
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If everyone feels a lighter and smaller collar at the same time, they will want even less of it, this is why I believe Milei will pave the way to 100% freedom if his project succeeds, most people don't feel the weight of the collar until it is lighter, then they are like "holy fuck that thing was heavy on me before"
Are you saying that they don’t feel the collar at the taxation rate they have now? You mean they didn’t revolt already by electing Milei?
I mean the rest of the world doesn't, everywhere else the collar just gets heavier, but they are now listening. In Brazil for example the taxation and currency devaluation is at the worst level of its history, and now everyone is looking for a "Milei" to elect, even if his actions don't have any meaningful result yet, now imagine how the rest of the world will feel if he actually removes 90% of taxes and Argentina prospers
Argentinians did one of the biggest moves for the movement imo, it's already hard enough to elect right wingers let alone "libertarians" who get like 1% of votes most places so people usually are also afraid of voting for the less popular option and "wasting" their vote so I guess Milei being funny and popular in social media was a major boost to their revolt, but not his policies alone
Someone has to emerge in each country that is anti-statist and willing to run as a candidate for an office in the state. If that sounds like a contrary situation, it is. To find people like Milei will be difficult for a lot of reasons.
In Brazil for example the taxation and currency devaluation is at the worst level of its history
*Surprise face...
What the voter has ordered is delivered.
What's the best option for Brazil? Bolsonaro?
You may have to find someone else. The people currently running the country would need strong action to remove.
In popularity yes but according to court he can't run due to a Jan 6 event.
Now in the world there are "Trump like" candidates, and there is a run to find "Milei like" candidates until the time comes, otherwise nothing really changes
At the same time more and more people want to stay away from politics, so the current structure, not just the executive but the whole government's roots grow stronger.
In a way what's happening is that our generations and probably the next ones they will opt-out even more from the current way of doing things, so I think I get what @Rothbardian_fanatic is trying to say, instead of having this bootleg version of the freedom we want, let's just cut it short and go to our end goal as fast as possible.
Isn’t there someone else that would also be popular with the populace?