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The most south that I got was Mysore. I spent time in Rajastan and across northern India. I spent some time in Panaji in Goa on the beaches. I went everywhere by slow trains and local busses. I wanted to go to Tamil Nadu but the heat was getting too oppressive for me.
I see, nice trip. I have been living in Kerala and Karnataka only. When I go to a foreign country I try to be far from the government and tourists, so in Thailand I avoid Bangkok for example. Maybe next time you go to India, try to be far from Delhi and be with locals. I am used to landscapes in Japan so for me Kerala had breathtaking landscapes, with tea plantations also. Until now people I heard who reported negative things about India were people who went to the North. It is not related but you are the first to who I send real sats with an NWC connection on Stacker News from my Lightning wallet, can you tell me if you received 21 sats and if you had a comment? I used Rizful.
I am a nooby all round. I only have a paper wallet. I don’t know how to check to see if I got a zap from somebody other than on SN, itself. I will be making a wallet and connecting it to SN as soon as I can figure it out. Sorry about that! I am just a nooby idiot.
No problem! Actually I figured out there was a bug in the wallet I used, and according to the thread related to the new zapping system it should be converted to Cowboy credits if you don't have anything setup. So everything is good on your side!
Think I might at least give it a try.