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0 sats \ 28 replies \ @Bell_curve 26 Dec 2024 \ parent \ on: India: It’s Worse Than You Think BooksAndArticles
What is voluntary immigration? What is involuntary immigration?
My point is pause immigration from India and the Third World. EU and USA have no other choice.
You say the issue isn't black and white but your immediately played the Nazi card and the atomic bomb card.
Those cards are, indeed, true and playable. However, trying to guilt trip people won’t work any more. It is a card that has been worn down and marked in the deck so badly all people know it.
Once you invoke Nazi analogies, you have lost the argument and credibility
Voluntary as someone who lawfully immigrated somewhere from his own will.
Involuntary, typically like Afghans coming to Europe.
Can a country stop immigration? I am an immigrant, my grand parents were too. Hard to control if it is lawful and welcome.
Sorry for playing the atomic bomb card, you can replace it by the Afghanistan war card.
Doesn’t matter what you think when you like to guilt trip people who had nothing to do with the original sin. That is just plain evil. You don’t put the sins of the fathers on the children or this sh*t will never stop.
Regarding immigration, absolutely countries can stop it if they choose to.
Let us assume this is correct. Japan chose from the 17th century to the middle of the 19th century to reduce connections with the outside world and didn't succeed.
Cuba had famously many people escaping the country so they didn't stop the outflow.
During covid, people could still go from Argentina to Uruguay through the Rio de la Plata river.
So my conclusion: I have some doubts about your comment, see above some counter-examples.
However if your point is stopping mass immigration in Europe because of war, then yes I am convinced this is a problem of choice. Although some people will find loopholes so totally I don't think this is possible, and I am not against voluntary and lawful immigration.
The problem in Europe is the political leaders choose to import third world immigrants when the voters have said no. Same with America.
Yes, it means there will eventually be new ornaments on trees and lampposts!! They will get what they earned.
Japan succeeded with he closure all through the Tokugawa Bakufu. It was only opened up by the outside with the force of cannons. They would have gone along with it for as long as they could have. A better example would be China closing itself by destroying all of its blue water ships.
Poland has found a way to stop all immagration coming into the country: they have authorized the boarder guards to shoot to kill. That’s how they are defending the boarders.
I have examples too
North Korea border
Berlin Wall
Great Wall of China
12 million unlawful immigrants into USA since 2021 and USA can’t stop it? Let’s see what happens after January 20
The Great Wall of China, interestingly enough, has the battlements facing the interior of China not Tartaria. It may have been the Tartarians that built the wall to keep the Chinese on their side of the wall.
I have to say those walls by-and-largely worked. You forgot to mention the walls around our friend Israel. They work very well until they break them down with tanks.
I am curious to know as well. For unlawful immigration I have no doubt it can be stopped.
There are always rifles. They seem to work very well for stopping illegal immigration.
Of course, you are making a statement about the political leader that are running the governments right now, correct? Aren’t most of them involved motherWEFers?
WEF is doing this for THEMSELVES.
If lawful and welcome
Big IF
You do know that the US cut immigration to zero from the late 1920s to 1968, right. There was very little legal immigration until our friends the Demoncrats made new laws to open immigration again.
of course
1924 Immigration Act
1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act
There was also the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 which was repealed in 1950
So, immigration was both unwelcome and unlawful during that period. Imagine that. Now we have open borders and tons of illegal immigrants of military age and look. It appears to be more of an invasion than immigration (where are the women and children coming in families).
100 years after 1924 Immigration Act
Coolidge to Biden