If Bitcoin relies on empiricism (infinite regression of induction from evidence) instead of conjectures to falsify and continuously improve our best hard-to-vary explanations, it does not aide in the ongoing revolution that started during the enlightenment and continues to this day. Bitcoin can easily become an anti-rational meme, in fact, I see it happening in real time with language that major influencers use. The culture must be free to criticize, that means, especially, criticizing Bitcoin and its culture itself. The good thing is, "cypherpunks" designed Bitcoin with censorship resistance (the West's Tradition of Criticism)built in. But, that doesn't mean that gatekeepers can't come along and find a way to use that strength against it.
"Just as the church resisted heliocentrism, so is the state resisting Bitcoin. However, smart individuals and countries will adopt Bitcoin and reap the benefits, and can speak up and say 'eppur si muove'.
"Because denying Bitcoin is the same as believing that the Earth is still the center of the heavens. Perhaps, in 20 years, we can look back on this time and see that we have awakened from the monetary Dark Ages and can now build the world again under a sound money standard, the Bitcoin standard."
"At the time, the invention of the printing press and the telescope were innovations that changed society and the view on the world. The decentralization of knowledge made it increasingly difficult for the church to maintain its credibility. It would ultimately mean the separation of church and state where power would shift to the individual. Countries that were open to this kind of knowledge and ideas would gain an edge over competitors who still cling to the dogmas of the church."
Like the Netherlands profited from it and became the world power and holding the reserve currency for a while.
That's insanely sick. Thank you!
Oh, I didn't even check if you were on SN.
Author's Stacker.News profile: @BitcoinGraffiti