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Annual rah-rah celebration from Human Progress:
It doesn’t help that most good news is not news at all. Everyone knows that thousands of pilots land safely every day, but the next dramatic plane crash will shock us and command our attention. Ironically, progress contributes to this aspect of our negativity bias. Bad things—like disaster deaths, racial intolerance, and, of course, airline accidents—have become more interesting precisely because they have become more unusual
Most are AI puff pieces, nuclear fission hopes, and some overhappy climate changes ones but there's also cow emissions, nutrients in food, fruit tasting better than ever, murder hornets eradicated in the US, bees recovering, tigers and lynxes and whales doing well. The US economy doesn't suck, labor markets getting better, and crime rates are falling; breast cancer mortality declines and other cancers improve; vaccine trials and efficacy improving (ish?!); obesity rates allegedly falls(?); delivery drones and automation wonders; driverless cars and how safe flying is.
Whatcha think, Stackers?
I am a pathologically positive person, I've been told today. Even when i shouldn't be.
Yet, i wouldn't want to change this trait. It just makes life so much more pleasant to live. The few stackers I've muted are mostly overly negative people. I like balance.
I don't think everything is as rosy as this piece wants to portray, but great things are still happening and i have faith in the future of mankind. And many statistics do seem to indicate certain things are improving in society. I can't say if they've been doctored, but i want to believe at least a few are true.
Well, that's a lot of words to not say much. I should calm with the pool side beers :)
@needcreations_ had a good news territory on SN for awhile. I kind of miss it.
How about a "positive news" / "human progress" / "better world" territory?
Sir, this is the internet