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Some thoughts:
  • You can only point people to things but not push. Doesn't work or will bring regretful situations.
  • I've found pushing Bitcoin straight doesn't work at all unless the person has an interest. Instead, I try to find bitcoin-fixes-this-topics that relate to that person (ie. cares about human rights, wants to avoid taxes, has an interest in economics, has the feeling he can't progress in life because he's stuck in a financial mouse-wheel, etc.). Then I try to dive into those topics so that it slowly becomes obvious that Bitcoin has something great related to it.
  • I also thing is very important to make the current price stick in their brains. We assume most people are familiar with Bitcoin's price: they are not. I've observed time and again how, if you manage to somehow mark in someone's brain a date and a price ("Bitcoin was 10K on Christmas '20), eventually years later they will see the price again, get shocked and get some FOMO building up. It's funny: you can understand things the same just by looking at the past in a price chart, but for some reason that doesn't trigger the emotional reaction I've observed when people just got a price wired in their memory in the past.
Those are great ideas, I will keep them in mind, thank you!