Connect The World EP047 | Romain Rouphaël | LNmarkets | Portugal
"Edward and Stef talk to Romain Rouphaël, Co-founder of LN Markets and ITŌ. This is a new type of Bitcoin derivatives trading platform.
LN Markets can only be accessed via the Lightning Network. To make your first trade you just need to make a Lightning transaction to instantly open a position. They offer futures and options on BTCUSD, the price of Bitcoin expressed in Dollar. All transactions occur in Bitcoin and no fiat money is involved!
They talk about how with LN Markets the focus is to leverage the Lightning Network for instant trading. With Lightning, they can build new interactions with the market: instant account creation and instant transfers for instant trading!
Romain points out: “When you think about it, the ability to move money all around the world, instantly, at low-cost is just mind blowing and is bound to have implications in the world of finance.”
Looking for more groundbreaking and market disrupting thoughts? Tune in for this new Episode!”- Jonī Kyasshu

🎤 Links to the guest

On BitcoinTV (Peertube / Fediverse):
Derivatives Trading with LN Markets | Romain Rouphaël
On Mastodon / Pleroma (Fediverse), follow: and