The Bitcoin revolution teaches you something essential: think for yourself.

If you want to give yourself a chance to understand Bitcoin and the impacts that its revolution will have on the world, you must break out of the straitjacket in which the education system has locked you up all your youth to learn to think for yourself.
By learning to think for yourself, you will be one step ahead of others. That's for sure.
This illustration perfectly sums up the whole point of learning to think for yourself to have a decisive advantage in your life.
Before the financial giants entered the Bitcoin world, the mainstream media kept telling you that Bitcoin is dangerous. Once BlackRock, Fidelity, and the other financial giants launched their Bitcoin Spot ETFs, the narrative completely changed, and Bitcoin began to have much more positive media coverage.
Yet, the Bitcoin system has not changed. Bitcoin is no less or more dangerous than it was before these financial giants entered the Bitcoin world.
This change in narrative shows you how the mainstream media is trying to manipulate you to serve the agenda of the powerful in the current system.
By learning to think for yourself, you will be able to seize unique opportunities like those of Bitcoin before everyone else.