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I don’t want to worry about managing my own Lightning node (channel balancing, liquidity, uptime, watch towers, etc) and I worry about having my sats on Wallet of Satoshi (the risk of being rug pulled is immense) so in that sense Aqua delivers a good balanced solution for my worries.
Having said that, Aqua has more coins that I’m not interested in, which makes it not the easier “Lightning wallet” to use. So I decided to make Helm Wallet, a Liquid wallet that uses Boltz submarine swaps to disguise itself as a Lightning wallet that even your grandma can use.
It's a PWA, which means it is immune to app store censorship. The web app is completely independent, no server required. You can clone it, build it and run it from your own computer. Everything runs on the browser.
You can use Tor to hide your IP address from Boltz and the chain explorers.
You can try it (testnet is available) on: