I was just always looking for a way to get into the programming side, and to do that I needed money cos I couldn't be working at the same time. For me at first there was Steem and then I was GPU mining for a while, landed a task working on a bitcoin fork chain and got the chance to fully build my skills up.
I liked the general idea of the Steem forum but always felt it was compromised by its premine. The micropayments it enabled are now possible with LN so there's really nothing we are waiting for other than protocol designs that link all of the things together and give ways to pay content creators, and by this develop a legitimate ranking.
For me, Bitcoin just was too small a field to be able to enter into working on something related to it. From day 1 I wanted to build something to improve on Tor, and integrate better for protecting Bitcoin transactions, and now, I am!
I was just naive, but I did see the cultish, scammy nonsense going on and always hated Ethereum once I saw what they did with it and how ridiculously over engineered it is, and now, getting chummy with the WEF is beyond the pale. The Merge really has been a watershed dividing the times of somewhat innocent shitcoining to full out brazen pseudo fiatcoining.
Hahah i enjoyed that read, thanks!