The 31 Million Sats Challenge
@denlillaapan sent me this right at the beginning of 2025. I think about it a lot and had terrible nightmares last night. I cannot get this thought out of my mind.
Here is the quote:
Happy New Year everyone If you believe the concept time is money then you’ll understand sat/second parity. There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year. Therefore, to live the concept time is money, stack at least that many sats this year.
It basically says that my stacking game is way too weak. And as bitcoin goes up in price, it will only get harder in the future.
Even if we break the 31.5 million down into smaller chunks, say to a monthly level, that means we would have to stack almost 2.6 million sats.
2.6 million sats means about ~2,600.00 USD every month. My current stacking rate is around ~250 USD per month.
These numbers scare the hell out of me. Am I too late, can't I stack hard enough, will everyone outpace me?
I am trying to find my peace like @stack_harder is doing (#796090), but man is that hard.
So how are you guys going to pump up your stacking game in 2025 to reach 2,600 UDS per month?