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If I'm not mistaken, this agency was mainly to combat the disinformation generated by Russia and China, who are supposedly spending billions on this war. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. The truth is that people swallow whatever comes their way and that's a problem generated by social media algorithms.
The US State Department has done nothing to warrant any benefit of the doubt when it comes to being an honest actor.
The worst offender of domestic disinformation is the US security state, so I'm not about to take their word for it, when they say they just have the very best of intentions internationally.
I'm an outsider and have no idea of the benefits/malfunctions of this agency. I'll take your word for it. Do you think elon has a hand in the demise of this American agency?
I don't know about the Elon part. I doubt it. It looks like they were a convenient target for cuts amid a very tense budget environment.
I think this is more than just budget cuts. Trump and his crew didn’t fare well at their hands for the four years he was out of the game. They got absolutely trampled by the security/lawfare state of the Biden administration. You think they will let them live at peace and collect more money?
You're right. I just meant that it seemed their authorization ran out at a convenient time to be cut.
Yep, you’re correct, they were a low hanging fruit, but I think they were also one of the prime targets for the quickest of cuts. Perhaps Elon had something to say about it, if I were him, I would have had a lot to say about it!! After all, his X is one of the main targets of that isht, isn’t it?
I think this on is on Trump and his advisors, not just Musk. I think they are all anti-propaganda, after all they have been through at the hands of the security apparatus of the BLOB.
The State Dept. appears to be on the leading edge of the security state. Just look at what that idiot Blinken keeps doing! Is he doing it for us or THEM?
Why do you assume the State Dept. is going to war on the Russians and Chinese? The most formidable enemy of the US government, in their eye is the Mercan population! Their propaganda warfare has largely been directed at us, not some foreign country. To shut it down is a relief for us.