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My first 2025 failure. After trying an honest effort my skills and education aren’t good enough to break into the chaincode BOSS class. At least I know I won’t be wasting their time with my stupidity.
No way I’m going to complete this task before the end of the day.
The test seems reasonable:
  1. Build bitcoin core from the included source
  2. Run the functional tests (all should pass)
  3. Modify the source code such that only one function test fails
  4. Commit your modified code and push your branch to GitHub for automatic evaluation
But I’m stuck on number one!! 😆 build from source? Does than mean downloading the file from Bitcoin core?
If I figured out #1 I think I can do #2 the repo makes it clear on how to test in command line
But 3 and 4 I have zero clue on. I never pushed a branch of code of anything!
So it’s clear this program is for experienced developers and not fly by night guys who post construction news on stacker news.
Maybe one day I’ll make into this program but today ain’t that day. I am at peace.
Another way to look at it: now you understand table stakes for a thing you wanted to do. You have a year (?) to get ready, if you still want to do it, and the path is laid out. Pretty cool.
Yeah. I’m not going to stress myself out. I only have so much time in a day after slaving in the fiat mine. But my approach will be simple
  1. Take nitynei’s base58 courses
  2. Join plebdevs and see how that works out for guys like myself
If I can accomplish these two simple small goals then I’ll try for boss again in Dec. 2025
Those are good goals, but you may consider an even more basic goal, which is getting basic command line / git proficiency, if you don't already have it. Everything you do in the space will require that stuff, and there are tons of resources to help.
I am pretty comfortable with command line. Playing around with LN nodes and learning Linux increased my confidence with CLI. Now git is a whole other monster. I used to watch YouTube videos on git but I never grasped how it truly works. I am hoping option two will do git for dummies so I can grasp the basic concepts
Yeah, git is a mindfuck, even more if you want to really understand it. If you're one of the those types, I recommend this tutorial. You can probably get competent enough without it, but for me it's v important to understand what's really going on underneath everything, which is not a strategy I necessarily endorse, but one I can't kick.
Thanks for the resource I will definitely give it a read!