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The yugas are like big cycles of time, and they represent how humanity changes spiritually and morally over thousands of years. The first one, Satya Yuga, is basically the golden age. Everything is peaceful, and people live in harmony with nature and each other. It’s a time when truth and goodness are at their highest, and life feels balanced and connected to something greater. Then comes Treta Yuga, where things start to decline a little. It’s still a pretty good time, but people have to work harder to stay connected to spiritual truths. You can think of it as a silver age where materialism starts creeping in, but virtues are still around.
After that is Dvapara Yuga, where the balance tips even further. This is when conflicts become more common, and people’s focus shifts more toward material things and technology. Relationships get more complicated, and the connection to the divine or spiritual understanding weakens even more. Finally, there’s Kali Yuga, the age we’re in now. This is the time of the most moral and spiritual decay. Greed, dishonesty, and selfishness take over, and people are mostly disconnected from higher truths. But even in this dark age, there’s a chance for personal growth if people make an effort.
The yugas move in a cycle, so after Kali Yuga ends, everything starts over with Satya Yuga. It’s like a cosmic reset that brings back hope and renewal. These ages remind us that everything in life goes through phases of growth, decline, and rebirth.