How many of you here have spun your own web in this world wide web? I would love to see your blogs and podcasts. You can drop the link below, and I am going to check all of them! Also, some people here host podcasts, like I got to know on my post I made: #830418. But maybe I missed some of you because I didn't specifically ask on that post.
I think when we enter the world of the Wide Web, we get lost in the content created by others and just become consumers. We keep an eye on our favorite ones on the internet, comment and share opinions on what we like about what they recently posted, and even form fandoms if a particular person is liked too much on the internet. Isn’t it amazing? Of course, not everyone who’s famous online is liked by everyone, and many don’t like them, yet we end up becoming part of fan groups or follow their work closely.
But what about your own identity? Your own brand? If they can share themselves online, why can’t you? Now most will say, and I’d agree, “I don’t want to show my face; I want to remain private.” That’s valid, but that’s where blogging and podcasting comes in. Blogging and podcasting allow you to share your thoughts, ideas, or work in text or multimedia formats—it’s all about your personal take.
Currently, I have so many pre-written pieces in my diaries that I haven’t shared online, but they’re still blogs because I wrote all of them as if I was expressing myself online. I’m just searching for the right platform to share them. I don’t know if sharing them here would be fine; I need more time to understand Stacker News better.
When you write a blog or do a podcast, you create something unique. Out of billions of people who use the internet, probability suggests some will read, some will like, and some will absolutely love your content. You never know what positive changes you could bring to someone’s life.
Plus, it gives you a sense of identity. You’ll start seeing yourself as a brand, learn endlessly, and no longer feel like a lost ghost in this vast web of information.
Let’s see your blogs or podcasts—I can’t wait to check them out!
Edit: I apologize for posting in the wrong territory. I was writing all this down as a format and just missed the podcast territory. Please don’t mind! But I feel like it still fits here.